Bone Bonding — the next level of osseointegration
With the new Ponto BHX Implant, the Ponto system offers even greater biomechanical fixation. It builds on the well-known benefits of the Wide Ponto implant by combining the high initial stability of proven OptiGrip™ geometry with a new laser-ablated surface, for fast and strong osseointegration.
Stronger than the bone itself
The new Ponto BHX Implant uses a Biohelix™ surface modification created by an oscillating laser beam. It has been shown that this new Biohelix™ surface increases the strength of the bone-to-implant interface by more than 150%, making it stronger than the bone itself.
Using unique laser ablation technology that locally heats and melts the titanium at the root of the thread, the surface of the implant takes on a three-level surface topography. The resulting macro-, micro- and nanostructures are designed to match the topography of bone for improved bone bonding.