Saphyr® neo collection sound processor

The Saphyr® neo collection sound processor is designed to help users to understand much more speech in the most challenging environments. With its advanced sound processing technologies, it combines clear and comfortable sound with easy access to today’s wireless hearing systems.

Saphyr Neo

Klar og behagelig lyd

Nyere kliniske undersøgelser har vist, at det nye CrystalisXDP lydprocesseringssystem giver en væsentligt1 bedre taleforståelighed i støjfyldte miljøer. CrystalisXDP har til formål at gøre det lettere og mere ubesværet at lytte ved at forstærke svage lyde, så de bliver tydeligere og mere hørbare og dæmpe høje lyde, så de bliver mere behagelige. 

Saphyr® neo collection bruger desuden Voice TrackTM, en støjreduktionsteknologi, der gør samtaler lettere, selv i vanskelige situationer, såsom i en travl restaurant med høj baggrundsmusik. Den fungerer ved at registrere baggrundsstøj og derefter sænke volumenen, når lyden er blevet gentagen og konstant.

Saphyr Neo - new wireless capabilities

Wireless capabilities

Television, music, mobile phones and computers have become a natural part of modern life. By using an induction loop system, Saphyr® neo collection lets you access your electronic devices and enjoy clearer sound through Bluetooth™ technologies.

If you need to access a sound system in a public place, its built-in telecoil lets you do so without connecting any additional device to the sound processor. With the direct auxiliary socket, it can also receive the most advanced FM systems on the market, like the Amigo from Oticon. This helps users who take part in classroom learning or workplace meetings.

An improved design for greater performance

Et forbedret design for større ydeevne

Når du har brug en lydprocessor hver dag, skal den være behagelig at gå med. Saphyr® neo collection har afrundede kanter og en blød Easy snap-bøjle, der giver umiddelbar komfort og sikrer, at den sidder godt bag øret. Med sine førsteklasses kvalitetskomponenter giver det en høj grad af pålidelighed og robusthed. Saphyr® neo collection-lydprocessoren fås i syv forskellige farver, fra flot lilla til skinnende hvid og en række nuancer, der passer til hud- eller hårfarve.

Saphyr Neo - convenient and user friendly

Convenient and user-friendly

The Saphyr® neo collection sound processor can be adapted to your individual listening needs and can memorise up to four programmes. In addition, it has intuitive light and sound indicators that enable you to quickly see the remaining battery life or selected programme. These features can be set by your audiologist during your fitting session.

1. Bozorg-Grayeli, A., Bébéar, J.P., Guevara, N., Romanet, P., Gnansia, D. and Lavielle, J.P. (2014) Clinical validation data of VoiceTrack and Montava, M., Gnansia, D., Saai, S., Guevara, N., Philippon, B., Bébear, J.P., Lavieille, J.P. (2014). First clinical results on Crystalis XDP coding strategy, 13th International Conference on Cochlear-Implant and other Implantable Auditory Technologies,18–21 June, Munich, Germany.