Lattice Spot

Background color grey 0300 medium
Background color grey 0700 light
Background color lighter grey
Component margin bottom large
Component margin bottom medium
Component margin bottom small
Component margin top
Text color white

Lattice Spot

A Lattice Spot consists of one or more Lattice Spot element(s). 
Each element contains an image field and a text field.

This Lattice Spot consists of four elements.

at work: 

• Participating in group meetings 

• Talking on the phone 

• Following conversation in a busy office

at social occasions: 

• Chatting to friends 

• Participating in dinner conversations at a restaurant 

• Interacting with grandchildren 

• Talking on the phone

• Watching TV together with others

for our own safety: 

• When walking near busy roads 

• To be able to hear sounds that alert to danger like sirens and other traffic signals 

• So we can be alert to a cry for help

when we learn: 

• Allowing us to concentrate with little effort 

• So we are able to communicate with instructors 

• So we register information correctly