
A Flexspot contains a PreElement, an Element and a PostElement. In all of them its possible to add an image, a text, a video and a link element.

You can use the PreElement as a filter on the page by adding a tag.

The elements can be show as normal size, or as large by adding a tag. It can also be used as a divider by adding a tag.


Cochlear Implantation in patients with vestibular schwannoma
Professor Per Cayé-Thomasen will present surgical strategies, methods, and outcomes for cochlear implantation in patients presenting with a vestibular schwannoma


Ponto - made for clinical efficiency
A Ponto procedure is one of the least invasive hearing-related surgeries there is – tune in to hear the experiences of clinics who have adopted and adapted Ponto to meet their changing needs and those of their patients


Ponto Care App -
Helping to support your patients throughout their BAHS journey. An introduction to The Ponto Care App, two apps in one; A companion during the Ponto trial period, and continuous support after the Ponto has been fitted

This is a divider made by using an Element


Cracking the Code of Non-Auditory Stimulation with Neuro Zti Cochlear Implants (Part 1)
Gain insights on the principles of Neuro Zti’s unique stimulation methods and how it results in focused stimulation that minimises the risk of non-auditory stimulation such as facial nerve stimulation.


Cracking the Code of Non-Auditory Stimulation with Neuro Zti Cochlear Implants (Part 2)
Building on the principles of Neuro Zti's unique stimulation methods and focused stimulation strategy in part 1 of the course, this webinar will review the research of this method, and examine the outcomes of case studies of cochlear implant recipients reimplanted with Neuro Zti due to non-auditory stimulation issues.

This is a PostElement