Text components

This is a single column text component, its a html field and can be used for formatting content using normal html. A component used to contain paragraphs and texts. Displaying on the left is our social sharing component, and on the right our floating action button (on desktop, - on mobile they are displayed at the bottom).

  • Bullet list
  • With normal bullet
  • Can be added
    • Even with indent
  1. Numbered list
  2. Is also
  3. an option


Headline H1

This Headline is a H2

This headline is a H3


Normal text like this with text links and bold text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies ligula turpis, ac iaculis ipsum pharetra a. Proin pulvinar tincidunt lobortis. Donec ultricies viverra sapien, vitae pellentesque metus finibus sit amet. Praesent erat nisi, venenatis id egestas ac, vehicula quis felis. Donec feugiat quam sed felis aliquet placerat. Aenean laoreet purus eget lacus condimentum, id facilisis sapien feugiat. Praesent urna tellus, hendrerit ut nisl at, placerat consequat lectus. Cras viverra lectus fermentum mauris placerat bibendum.


Or with a class like "small"

Or the kicker class


Using large quotes class for highlighting interesting parts of a text


Or using small quotes for highlighting


This is a two column text

This component contains 3 rich text fields. All 3 rich text fields can be used as standard rich text fields

This will show the text in the left column. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies ligula turpis, ac iaculis ipsum pharetra a. Proin pulvinar tincidunt lobortis. Donec ultricies viverra sapien, vitae pellentesque metus finibus sit amet. Praesent erat nisi, venenatis id egestas ac, vehicula quis felis. Donec feugiat quam sed felis aliquet placerat. Aenean laoreet purus eget lacus condimentum, id facilisis sapien feugiat. Praesent urna tellus, hendrerit ut nisl at, placerat consequat lectus. Cras viverra lectus fermentum mauris placerat bibendum.

Added a medium bottom margin to this component.

This is the text in the right column. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sit amet dui urna. Duis eu varius lacus, in aliquet eros. Aliquam tempor mi velit. Nulla at magna tincidunt, scelerisque ex non, vehicula tortor. Nulla vehicula tincidunt sem, ac fermentum risus ornare vitae. In tristique arcu at aliquam aliquam. Suspendisse placerat purus vitae velit placerat pharetra.

Vivamus vestibulum, nulla id efficitur imperdiet, orci lectus tempus eros, sit amet gravida purus purus et ipsum. Sed et egestas ante. Proin varius massa id sagittis lobortis. Fusce non nulla.

A single column

You can define the width of the text showing in a single column text component, this one has 70% width.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sit amet dui urna. Duis eu varius lacus, in aliquet eros. Aliquam tempor mi velit. Nulla at magna tincidunt, scelerisque ex non, vehicula tortor. Nulla vehicula tincidunt sem, ac fermentum risus ornare vitae. In tristique arcu at aliquam aliquam. Suspendisse placerat purus vitae velit placerat pharetra.

Vivamus vestibulum, nulla id efficitur imperdiet, orci lectus tempus eros, sit amet gravida purus purus et ipsum. Sed et egestas ante. Proin varius massa id sagittis lobortis. Fusce non nulla.

Fact box - light blue

This is a fact box - its a rich text with a fact box style.

It can be used to highlight important information on the page.

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Read more


Fact box - light green

This is a fact box - its a rich text with a fact box style.

It can be used to highlight important information on the page.

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Read more


Fact box - light grey

This is a fact box - its a rich text with a fact box style.

It can be used to highlight important information on the page.

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Read more


* Using the "Small class" for foot notes, from referrals in the text using * or superscript. This component has a large bottom margin to add some white space and distance to the footer.