Text components
This is a single column text component, its a html field and can be used for formatting content using normal html. A component used to contain paragraphs and texts. Displaying on the left is our social sharing component, and on the right our floating action button (on desktop, - on mobile they are displayed at the bottom).
- Bullet list
- With normal bullet
- Can be added
- Numbered list
- Is also
- an option
Headline H1
Headline H1 like H2
Headline H1 like H3
This Headline is a H2
This headline is a H3
Normal text like this with text links and bold text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies ligula turpis, ac iaculis ipsum pharetra a. Proin pulvinar tincidunt lobortis. Donec ultricies viverra sapien, vitae pellentesque metus finibus sit amet. Praesent erat nisi, venenatis id egestas ac, vehicula quis felis. Donec feugiat quam sed felis aliquet placerat. Aenean laoreet purus eget lacus condimentum, id facilisis sapien feugiat. Praesent urna tellus, hendrerit ut nisl at, placerat consequat lectus. Cras viverra lectus fermentum mauris placerat bibendum.
Or with a class like "small"
Or the kicker class
Using large quotes class for highlighting interesting parts of a text
Or using small quotes for highlighting