Building on proven performance
Neuro One uses many of the well-known processing features from the Saphyr® neo collection, which has been proven to provide significantly1 better speech understanding in noise compared to other cochlear implant systems. With the addition of new features and exclusive Coordinated Adaptive Processing, Neuro One is expected to offer even greater performance.
1. Bozorg-Grayeli, A., Bébéar, J.P., Guevara, N., Romanet, P., Gnansia, D. and Lavielle, J.P. (2014) Clinical validation data of Voice Track and Montava, M., Gnansia, D., Saai, S., Guevara, N., Philippon, B., Bébear, J.P., Lavieille, J.P. (2014). First clinical results of Crystalis XDP coding strategy, 13th International Conference on Cochlear Implant and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, 18–21 June, Munich, Germany.