We are currently upgrading our regular webshop. You can still order products. Please follow these steps to place an order:
1) Find the product in the below product catalogue 2) Write down item number 3) Fill out and submit the form 4) Oticon Medical will contact you for a speedy process 5) If you can’t find the desired product, fill out the form anyway
Sound Processor Accessories
Streamer Accessories
Abutment Attachments
Stickers & Covers
Soft Bands
View product catalogue
Our customer service is always ready to help you. Oticon Medical/Oticon Canada Ltd 1600-4950 Yonge St Toronto ON M2N 6K1 Canada E-mail: info@oticonmedical.ca Phone: +1-866-964-6086 Fax: +1-519-342-2446
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