In bone anchored hearing systems, Ponto stands for outstanding sound quality

In bone anchored hearing systems, Ponto stands for premium sound quality.

Ask a Ponto user about Ponto sound, and they will talk about natural sounds, great listening and easy communication. In fact, Ponto sound quality is so close to natural that Ponto users regularly tell us that they often forget they’re even wearing a sound processor.

Meet the Ponto users

To deliver the best possible sound, the Ponto uses Direct Sound Transmission.

No muffling, no dampening — just direct sound

To deliver the best possible sound, the Ponto uses Direct Sound Transmission. This means that it captures the sounds around you and transmits them through the abutment directly to the inner ear and onward to the brain.

Direct Sound Transmission prevents sound dampening – a common issue with magnet and softband systems. It also allows Ponto devices to reproduce a greater variety of sounds.

Experience the difference


What makes Ponto sound quality so great?

Sound and hearing are always experienced in a highly individual way. But when we talk about what goes into the renowned Ponto sound, it can be broken down into three parts:

  • More loud and soft sounds

    This means hearing sounds at the volume they’re meant to be experienced at. At a rock concert, you want to hear sounds at a high volume; but if you’re listening to relaxing music at home, you want to keep it soft. Ponto sound processors have been designed to maintain this dynamism and give you a more natural perception of volume.

  • Greater range of high and low tones

    The Ponto sound processors have the widest range of tones of all bone conduction hearing devices*. That’s what enables you to hear the full spectrum of sound – from the deep roar of a lion to the tweeting of birds. This is known as a frequency bandwidth, and it’s particularly important for speech understanding.
    * Linear comparison of data from manufacturers’ official data sheets. The perceptual performance has not been evaluated.

  • Clarity without distortion

    Ponto is designed to deliver clear and natural sound, without muffling, distortion or feedback. This clarity with fewer unwanted sounds translates into effortless listening, as the brain doesn’t have to fill in the gaps or try to guess what’s being said.

Ponto 4 - open sound navigator

OpenSound Navigator™ - Open up to the world

With OpenSound Navigator technology, Ponto 4 makes it easy to switch your focus between speakers. This groundbreaking technology scans the listening environment to constantly analyse speech and remove noise. This lets you keep up with the dynamics of complex listening environments and manage multiple speakers at the same time.  

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Impact beyond better hearing

  • Learn faster1

  • Remember more2

  • Less effort3


1. Pittman, A. Bone conduction amplification in children: Stimulation via a percutaneous abutment vs. a transcutaneous softband. Ear Hear (in press).
2. Lunner, T. et al. (2016). Using Speech Recall in Hearing Aid Fitting and Outcome Evaluation Under Ecological Test Conditions. Ear Hear 37 Suppl 1: 145S-154S.
3. Bianchi, F. et al. Benefit of higher maximum force output on listening effort in bone-anchored hearing system users: a pupillometry study. Ear Hear (In press).
Depending on patient indication the perceived benefit may vary.