How is hearing loss measured?
Hearing impairment is the amount of hearing loss relative to normal hearing for a person’s age and sex. It is measured by audiologists, who test the Hearing Level (HL) of each ear using different frequencies.
Moderate hearing loss
Hearing loss of 40 to 70 dB HL. Moderate sounds cannot be heard. Speech is perceived if the speaker raises his or her voice. Hearing becomes easier if the person can see the speaker. Some familiar sounds are still perceived.
Severe hearing loss
Hearing loss of 70 to 90 dB HL. Speech is perceived if the speaker speaks loudly while close to the ear. Only loud sounds are perceived. Following a group conversation is difficult.
Profound hearing loss
Hearing loss of 90 to 120 dB HL. It is impossible to hear any kind of speech, and communication is not possible. Only very loud sounds are perceived.
Total deafness or cophosis
Above 120 dB HL, nothing is perceived.
Always contact your audiologist if you are worried about hearing loss.
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