Helpful Tips and Tricks

Advice on how to do everyday activities with a cochlear implant

If you’re secretly counting down to your holidays … and if you have a cochlear implant these tips might help you prepare for stress-free hearing when you’re travelling. 

When making reservations

Some places have “Accessible” rooms options. 
Accessible rooms have been designed for people with hearing loss, poor eyesight etc. They include features such as visual alarms, specialised telephones, or doorbells that flash the room’s lights.

When packing

Keep everything important as close to you as is possible. This means batteries, chargers, drying system, accessories and back-ups. If these things are in your carry-on/hand baggage, you won’t lose your hearing if you lose your luggage. 

If travelling internationally, bring along the appropriate power converters - or bring enough disposable batteries to last for your trip; seeing as there might not be any at your destination.

Have the contact information for Oticon Medical so you can find it. Print out a copy of your audio processor’s map, or bring a digital version along on a USB stick.

When Travelling

If you have to go through security check, let the ticketing agent know that you have a hearing loss and use a hearing implant or hearing aid when you’re checking in.

Most people don’t know about cochlear implants, so you can’t assume that they’ll be able to guess. If you tell them, they can include it in your profile.

Make sure to keep your cochlear implant identification card in your wallet.

You can walk through the metal detector without processors. Let the security staff know that you have cochlear implants as they might set off the detector, and inform the staff that you won’t be able to hear when you’re not wearing your processors.

If you are travelling alone, let your flight attendant know that you have a hearing loss and that you might not hear everything on the speakers. This way, they can get emergency information to you. You can wear your cochlear implants during the entire duration of the flight. You do not need to turn off your audio processors during take-off or landing. Cochlear implants, and hearing aids, in general, do not interfere with navigational systems.



Restaurant noise has been acknowledged to be the #1 complaint of dinners according to 2018 Zagat survey. The combination of a noisy environment and multiple speakers can make it hard for individuals—especially those hard of hearing—to participate in the conversation while dining out with family and friends. 

So, here are some tips and tricks for dinner out. 

  • Make an early reservation to avoid the rising wave of sound as the late evening approaches. 
  • Chose restaurants with carpeting, cork or acoustic ceiling tiles, curtains, tablecloths, seat cushions and other noise-absorbing features to dampen the noise level. 
  • Pick a booth or corner table if possible. 
  • Strategically chose your seat around the table to see everyone's faces. 
  • Remember that sometimes the best seat is the one beside a friend or loved one who can help fill you in on parts of the conversation you may miss.



School and cochlear implants! 

What should I do?
Is it necessary for the teacher to change teaching style?
Should the teachers talk louder?
Is my child going to be singled out?

The questions are many when your child is starting school, and they might multiply it your child is using a cochlear implant 
But do not worry, with preparation, it can all be fine. 

Give the school these simple guidelines that would help your child; ... in fact, these habits would probably benefit the other children as well: 

  • Speak one at a time, without interrupting each other. 
  • Instructions should be presented clearly when the class is quiet. 
  • Talk in clear and understandable language at an appropriate volume. 
  • Present curriculum and lessons in a set and predictable structure.
  • You can also help the teacher or caregiver by explaining how the sound processor works.
  • Look how the connectivity solutions  can help you to improve your child’s perception and facilitate learning.

Remember: you are not alone; try taking a look at all the CI groups on Facebook:


Playing sports with a cochlear implant

Whatever your sport of choice, you should always:

  • Protect your implant system
  • Protect your head from impact
  • Prevent moisture damage by protecting the sound processor from sweat during use and by using a drying system every day
  • Follow all instructions and warnings


Contact sports

(boxing, rugby, judo, karate, etc.) 
Cochlear implant users are strongly advised against sports in which physical injury, pressure or blows to the head are likely or inevitable.


Sports for which a helmet is recommended

(cycling, horse riding, sailing, skiing, etc.) 
It is possible to participate in these sports. However, you should:

  • Wear a helmet to protect your implant against any impact.
  • Make sure you choose a high-quality, comfortable helmet that can be easily adjusted. It is important that no pressure is directly applied to the implant area or the scar.

Water sports

Take care of your implant

  • Many water sports do not present any risks for cochlear implant users as long as the sound processor is removed. Swimming, diving in shallow water down to 3m deep, sailing, etc. when not wearing the sound processor.
  • If you wear goggles or a diving mask, make sure that the elastic is not too tight over the site of the implant under the skin.
  • Recreational scuba diving is not recommended at depths below 20m. Excess pressure may damage the implant. Moreover, users of cochlear implants are strongly discouraged from engaging in professional deep sea diving activities.
  • Always wear a helmet for boating activities, sailing or canoeing.

Neuro 2 Swim Kit

  • If you have a Neuro 2 sound processor and want to go swimming or do water sports, use the Neuro 2 Swim Kit. It is fully waterproof and can be used in all kinds of water. The Swim Kit is waterproof down to 3 metres for up to two hours.


Wearing a mask with your sound processor(s)

  • If you have long hair, pull it back into a bun and loop the elastics around the bun.

  • Create a “mask extender” out of fabric or ribbon about 10cm long. Buttons sewn on either side allows for a place to put the elastic other than your ears.

  • Sew 2 large buttons onto a soft headband, placing the buttons to line up with each ear. Looping the elastic around each button will take the strain off your ears.

  • Use masks with string or ribbons that tie in the back. There are YouTube videos on creating masks that tie, which puts absolutely no pressure on the ears.


  • Speak slowly, clearly and at a normal volume.

  • Rephrase remarks when not understood.

  • Take turns when speaking.

  • Make sure sound processor users have them on.

  • Keep background noise in the room to a minimum.

  • Face each other (at a safe distance).