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Meet users with a cochlear implant
Watch their video testimonials and find out how cochlear implants have changed people’s lives.
Meet Alberto
"Now I feel part of what’s going on" Alberto became deaf when he was only 21 old. He lived with no hearing for 59 years – feeling left out in many situations. In the age of 80 he got a Cochlear Implant and today he feels included again.
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Meet Antonia
Antonia gradually began to lose her hearing at the age of twenty-six. After she became deaf she felt like a piece of furniture for many years. After getting her Neuro implant Antonia can understand and participate in conversations and express her opinions. And the best things of all she can hear her grandson.
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Meet Bill
Bill´s hearing loss was affecting his precious family time. With the Neuro 2, he can focus on the things that matters most; singing with his wife and reading to his grandchildren
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Meet Hans
Hans was born with a hearing impairment. Later on, he almost lost his hearing completely. Now with a cochlear implant, he is living a whole new life enjoying sounds of nature, being part of the community and being independent.
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Meet Juul
At the age of 30, Juul from The Netherlands, suddenly became bilaterally deaf. She was very fast assisted with the Neuro Zti implant and the Neuro sound processor.
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Meet Kelly
When Kelly´s hearing aids were no longer helping, she turned to a cochlear implant. After receiving the Neuro 2, she is looking forward to watching her favourite films again and attending stand-up comedy
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Meet Kinsley
Kinsley was implanted in the spring of 2020, when she was 13 months old. Due to the timing of the Covid-19 outbreak her activation, which normally would have occurred one month after surgery, had to be delayed until she was 16 months old. Since then, she has been wearing her processor during all waking hours.
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Meet Linda
Linda is a mother and a gradmother who lived with a hearing loss since she was young. Now, with a cochlear implant she's able to hear sounds she hasn't heard in a long time.
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Meet Matthias
Music and hearing loss do not mix, but after 24 years Matthias is once again able to pursue his gifts and passions with his Neuro2.
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Meet Michael
Michael was born with a hearing loss which got worse as the years went by. As an adult he went almost deaf. Today Michael has a Neuro 2 and can enjoy the two things he loves most; spending time with his family and teaching.
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Meet Michele
For Michele music has always been important throughout his life - with the Neuro sound processor he has gotten this joy back. Listen to his story and what he experienced.
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Meet Patricia
Patricia suffered with hearing loss for years. As a result, her confidence was at an all time low. After receiving the Neuro 2, she has improved hearing and has regained a level of independence she hasn´t had for years
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Meet the twins Rose and Maël
Rose and Maël were both born bilaterally deaf. They are now equipped with Neuro 2s and enjoy dancing, socialising and playing with other kids.
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Meet Sandra
Sandra suffered sudden deafness twice and lost hearing on both ears. Today Sandra has a Neuro 2 and can once again participate in life and enjoy her youth.
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Meet Tina
Tina has both a CI and a BAHS. She lost much of her hearing because of Ménière's disease. First she got a CI on the right side and now she also has a BAHS on the left side. Today she can enjoy all the many sounds of the world again.
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Meet Tony
Tony lost his hearing in his 20s and was recommended a cochlear implant. Tony felt he had everything to gain and nothing to lose. Watch the video to find out how Tony finds life with a cochlear implant.
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Meet Ute
When Ute was upgraded from Neuro One to Neuro 2 she immediately noticed the difference. 'It sounds very natural' - Ute said about Neuro 2
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Meet Vi
Ray Flatt hopes he can soon take his wife, Vi, dancing again. "It's hard to dance to the music you can't hear," Ray said. In August, Vi Flatt, became the first person in North America to have a Neuro System cochlear implant surgery.
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Meet Yolanda
"The Neuro gave me back my life in an instant" Because of Otosclerosis Yolanda began to lose her hearing when she was twenty-three. Today she can hear when people speak to her again. She can interact with people. And really smile from the bottom of her heart again.
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Meet Yvonne
With a family history of hearing loss, Yvonne has been using hearing aids for most of her adult life. The bilateral Neuro Cochlear Implants have given her a world of new possibilities - through both ears.
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