Playing sports with a cochlear implant

Whatever your sport of choice, you should always:

 Protect your implant system
 Protect your head from impact
 Prevent moisture damage by protecting the sound processor from sweat during use and by using a drying system every day
 Follow all instructions and warnings

Contact sports

(boxing, rugby, judo, karate, etc.) 
Cochlear implant users are strongly advised against sports in which physical injury, pressure or blows to the head are likely or inevitable.

Sports for which a helmet is recommended

(cycling, horse riding, sailing, skiing, etc.) 
It is possible to participate in these sports. However, you should:

 Wear a helmet to protect your implant against any impact.
 Make sure you choose a high-quality, comfortable helmet that can be easily adjusted. It is important that no pressure is directly applied to the implant area or the scar.

Water sports

(swimming, diving in shallow water >5m deep, sailing, etc.)

 Many water sports do not present any risks for cochlear implant users as long as the sound processor is removed.
 If you wear goggles or a diving mask, make sure that the elastic is not too tight over the site of the implant under the skin.
 Recreational scuba diving is not recommended at depths below 20m. Excess pressure may damage the implant. Moreover, users of cochlear implants are strongly discouraged from engaging in professional deep sea diving activities.
 Always wear a helmet for boating activities, sailing or canoeing.